I want to write a book about art and God . I want to make a 30 minute tv show about prophetic art... I want them to be really great an get on God Channel and other cable channels. For my book to be widely distributed and readable to laymen and scholars. I want God's anointing on the show and book and help to do it as quickly and easily as possible. I want to start earning a good living from painting startin in January! I want to sell all of my paintings(except one or two)! I pray for a major prophetic anointed breakthrough works for the 'quantum physics' exhibit. I want to exhibit in hospitals. I want to get on the front page of the Style or Arts section of the Washington Post and in art magazines and tv shows. I want to do always deeper and more meaningful work and to always be in peace with all of the activity that has resulted from the answered prayers!
Thanks God, beacsue you hear and answer our prayers!
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