Eve in Washington,DC
God I really want all of these things resolved!! please please please!
-I want a new life!
-I want to sell lots of large paintings (50) to dallas Art. I want this to begin within 2 weeks. (and bring the Holy Spirit-joy and peace to the places where my work hangs)
-i want to go to Corsica as originally planned and for it to be a wonderful situation and a very lucrative opportunity..and to spread joy and beauty and all that, too.
-i want to loose all fear an intimidation, resentment and disdain for important Art World people.
-i want to show in Dissident Display Gallery like i was suposed to do this March.
- i want the DC Dental Spa deal to go smoothly as planned.
-i want to paint in conferences, especailly Quantum Physics ones.
-i want to get alot of Money for school in Haiti and go back there
-i want to go to Uganda and teach the x-child soldiers how to paint their experiences.
-i want to go to Congo with the itialians and do something cool
-i want Arts 4 Orphans to be an easy incorperation
-I want OPEN DOORS to the art world.
-I want favor for myself and my work
-I want trouble off my back.
-I want to exhibit in Europe by 2009.
-I want to be invited to exhibit by the hip DC art world and still just be myself.
-i want the Drawing Center to give me a big show in NYC
-I want to sell all of my work at the NIH show.
-I want the work to have major healing power on those who see it.
--i want to have more fun! to do alot of stuff but not get bogged down..
-I want to be famous and well known and have shows in museums and galleries all over the world. i want the buyers to come to be and "offers coming over the phone".
-i want to be sought after.
-i want to exhibit all over the world, starting NOW. I want to sell my work for a lot of money so i can just paint and create and not spend so much time trying to get money and do stuff. I want a lot of excess money to have fun and to do projects with the orphans.
-I want to be myself and be accepted in the art world, even though i dont drink and amd not like everyone else.
-I want my place in the sun! -
I ask all of these things in the Name of Jesus!
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