
Pray for Karen in Georgia as she produces a video series on PRAYER ! As far as my video, I've been working on the scripts since November and I have 2 more to write. (there are 12 in all.) I plan to tape in July. I have a video expert working with me and I'll do the taping in my home because it's in keeping with the subject of personal prayer. I share a lot of personal stories that illustrate different ways of praying in personal prayer. My subjects include how to find prayer answers in the categories of action, word and presence, how prayer shapes the future, transrational praying which is using the parts of us that marvels at the sunset in prayer, crisis praying, how prayer creates joy, prayer and healing, how prayer changes attitudes, and how on-the-go praying can increase the time we have to spend in prayer.
I'm definitely trusting God for each step of the process, so I certainly could use your prayers! I've never done been in front of a camera before, so it will be an interesting experience. Please pray for the video taping process and also for the marketing process. I want to reach as many people as possible with this message. Why not pray big, so I'm praying to reach 3 million!

This wonerful project is completed an dpublished and being distributed!

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