
Angela in Washington,DC
Since you prayed for me along with Angel last year the Lord has come down in His Style of "too much" , " ever abundant" and gloriously drowning me in such Grace about my calling as an Artist. I now own the title, in the past I was shrouded in shame only claiming to not be an Artist but merely artistic!
Long story short, I am planing on submitting a Couture Collection( which I believe the Lord is going to download in visions and dreams to me) for the DC Fashionweek this year in September. Please pray! For funding, seamstresses and favor to get in... and so on..

Eve in Washington,DC
God I really want all of these things resolved!! please please please!
-I want a new life!
-I want to sell lots of large paintings (50) to dallas Art. I want this to begin within 2 weeks. (and bring the Holy Spirit-joy and peace to the places where my work hangs)
-i want to go to Corsica as originally planned and for it to be a wonderful situation and a very lucrative opportunity..and to spread joy and beauty and all that, too.
-i want to loose all fear an intimidation, resentment and disdain for important Art World people.
-i want to show in Dissident Display Gallery like i was suposed to do this March.
- i want the DC Dental Spa deal to go smoothly as planned.
-i want to paint in conferences, especailly Quantum Physics ones.
-i want to get alot of Money for school in Haiti and go back there
-i want to go to Uganda and teach the x-child soldiers how to paint their experiences.
-i want to go to Congo with the itialians and do something cool
-i want Arts 4 Orphans to be an easy incorperation
-I want OPEN DOORS to the art world.
-I want favor for myself and my work
-I want trouble off my back.
-I want to exhibit in Europe by 2009.
-I want to be invited to exhibit by the hip DC art world and still just be myself.
-i want the Drawing Center to give me a big show in NYC
-I want to sell all of my work at the NIH show.
-I want the work to have major healing power on those who see it.
--i want to have more fun! to do alot of stuff but not get bogged down..
-I want to be famous and well known and have shows in museums and galleries all over the world. i want the buyers to come to be and "offers coming over the phone".
-i want to be sought after.
-i want to exhibit all over the world, starting NOW. I want to sell my work for a lot of money so i can just paint and create and not spend so much time trying to get money and do stuff. I want a lot of excess money to have fun and to do projects with the orphans.
-I want to be myself and be accepted in the art world, even though i dont drink and amd not like everyone else.
-I want my place in the sun! -
I ask all of these things in the Name of Jesus!
Roy in London:
To those new people included in the list, we'd love you to join us in praying for
breakthroughs into media and film.
We've got a couple of small projects happening in the next month, plus I'm taking a trip to NYC so maybe will make new connections there! Here's an overview of the things we have on:
Over the past five years its been a process of meeting lots of comedy improv people, and this next month or so is going to be developing a series of comedy sketches that will eventually go onto You Tube. We've also
met lots of Christians interested in doing comedy, including the guys at r.com, and I'm really feeling great about the possibilities. This area has been so great to meet pre-saved folks as well.
God's been good in this area and we have a few upcoming Tube projects we are in the middle of and being considered for. Corporate DVD's are great because the budgets are good, and we get to film them
really well. Ideally though we need two more regular/steady clients like London Transport has been for us this past year. We are sending showreels out this week, and our motto is going to be that we are creating Corporate
DVD's of beauty.
The Radical Stuff:
We're developing new projects that we want to get on the more traditional mainstream media here: Just You Tube search Eve's Art and David's Art, which is our first attempt to communicate
Jesus to a british culture that does not like church stuff. So please pray we have favor , divine appointments, and the right words to say at the right time in our search for commissions. I believe God spoke to me saying that
these radical projects are going to be the fuel for B Up.
Thanks again, I really appreciate you all praying and interceding as you are led for us, and if you get any words or scriptures or anything send em on!
To those new people included in the list, we'd love you to join us in praying for
breakthroughs into media and film.
We've got a couple of small projects happening in the next month, plus I'm taking a trip to NYC so maybe will make new connections there! Here's an overview of the things we have on:
Over the past five years its been a process of meeting lots of comedy improv people, and this next month or so is going to be developing a series of comedy sketches that will eventually go onto You Tube. We've also
met lots of Christians interested in doing comedy, including the guys at r.com, and I'm really feeling great about the possibilities. This area has been so great to meet pre-saved folks as well.
God's been good in this area and we have a few upcoming Tube projects we are in the middle of and being considered for. Corporate DVD's are great because the budgets are good, and we get to film them
really well. Ideally though we need two more regular/steady clients like London Transport has been for us this past year. We are sending showreels out this week, and our motto is going to be that we are creating Corporate
DVD's of beauty.
The Radical Stuff:
We're developing new projects that we want to get on the more traditional mainstream media here: Just You Tube search Eve's Art and David's Art, which is our first attempt to communicate
Jesus to a british culture that does not like church stuff. So please pray we have favor , divine appointments, and the right words to say at the right time in our search for commissions. I believe God spoke to me saying that
these radical projects are going to be the fuel for B Up.
Thanks again, I really appreciate you all praying and interceding as you are led for us, and if you get any words or scriptures or anything send em on!
A in DC:
-I pray for contacts & vital funding opportunities for my Africa documentary.
-More than enough funding to start and finish documentary
- A Christian, female sound/camera person to travel & do my documentary with
-A much more experienced editing person who can guide me in some of my work
-A tripling of my current salary-Additional documentary ideas from a Higher
-A new video camera! HD- Canon or Sony
-I pray for contacts & vital funding opportunities for my Africa documentary.
-More than enough funding to start and finish documentary
- A Christian, female sound/camera person to travel & do my documentary with
-A much more experienced editing person who can guide me in some of my work
-A tripling of my current salary-Additional documentary ideas from a Higher
-A new video camera! HD- Canon or Sony

I want to write a very good anointed book God and art, about the artist as a nonconformist and how this is at odds with any institutional culture and the very reason why God is using us to shake up the church. I want the book to have a good publisher, be read by thousands and thousands and become a classic.

I want the money and situation to go paint in Louisana at Quantum conference. I want to go to Corsica for at oeast 2 months and paint and sell very well at high prices. I want to go to London and Paris and Germany and get some gallery exhibits there. I want my Quantum show and NIH show to be powerful and beautiful and well recieved and anointed!!! I would like to go to a higher level of God encounter in my painting.
i want the publicity to go well. I want to pay down my debt by July and start funding orphans and schools!
I want people to contact me every day to buy paintings worth thousands of dollars each.

To get Prophetic Art video shown on British TV and God TV. I pray that Roy gets at least 100,000 pounds for his work and thrives as the great video-maker he is. To have millions or billions see his work all over the world. I pray for even more anointing on his work. I pray for favor and doors to open in every place he wants to work in 2008.

to get the prophetic art video on Brisith TV and on the God Channel to be seen by millions. Also, for hearts and minds to be open when viewing it. I pray for the 30 minute version to be even better. Here is the 3 minute YouTune Clip http://youtube.com/watch?v=nXlpbhBnOSM

i am starting to formulate an album in my mind and heart. one song that reaches the top 10 on the charts sets a person up nicely such that they can begin to do a lot of kingdom stuff they can't do when they are WORKING 105 hours every two weeks, not counting a 2-plus hour total commute everyday.

I pray that journalists come a make a worthy report of the film which is widely disseminated in many media outlets which sparks nation-wide and world-wide dialog on this subject!! That the spirit of wisdom and love permeates the atmosphere and everything about the discussions and reporting of the film.
I pray that many viewings and deep and honest discussions happen all over the country.That this gets onto tv in the correct form and format. I pray that God uses it as a major tool for inspiration, persoanl freedom, freedom of thought and speach.
In Jesus' Name. Amen
I pray that many viewings and deep and honest discussions happen all over the country.That this gets onto tv in the correct form and format. I pray that God uses it as a major tool for inspiration, persoanl freedom, freedom of thought and speach.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

Another thing, would you pray that I get one of thescholarships that I am applying for? I will submit myapplication to the Mellon sholarship by Wednesday(would you please pray for reviewers of what I wrote?)Only a miracle can get me one of these scholarshipsbecause my proposal looks like David's pitiful stones,but... hei God can move if we ask Him.

I pray that she gets completely healed of her brain injury. That she gets back on her feet as an artist! Lord, provide her a place to live. Bless and anoint her childrens travel book. let it be a best seller! Open the way for her to print her watercolors and start a business. Lord guide her to all of the right people who can be a wonderful spiritual family and company to her. Lord keep speaking to her. Enemy give back everything you have stolen! Lord fill her so full of your Spirit and multiply her talent and make everything she puts her hand to a sucess.Just like you said you would!! Thanks!

I want to write a book about art and God . I want to make a 30 minute tv show about prophetic art... I want them to be really great an get on God Channel and other cable channels. For my book to be widely distributed and readable to laymen and scholars. I want God's anointing on the show and book and help to do it as quickly and easily as possible. I want to start earning a good living from painting startin in January! I want to sell all of my paintings(except one or two)! I pray for a major prophetic anointed breakthrough works for the 'quantum physics' exhibit. I want to exhibit in hospitals. I want to get on the front page of the Style or Arts section of the Washington Post and in art magazines and tv shows. I want to do always deeper and more meaningful work and to always be in peace with all of the activity that has resulted from the answered prayers!
Thanks God, beacsue you hear and answer our prayers!

¡En la iglesia, está muy bueno… trabajando con los adolescentes en muchos proyectos, también de un periódico! En diciembre haremos un acontecimiento de danza en un teatro, nosotros necesitamos lde oración.
I am doing many projects with adolescents in the church, even a newspaper. In December we will have a dance performance in a theater and need prayer for that....
Lord, also gove Denise money for travelling and so many things that she wants to do!

Lydia in Rotterdam,
This oktober christian artists will meet and paint, sculpt and pray,walk in the woods,sing and dance for the Lord in the east of our country. In Bloemendaal.
Pray for fruitfull meetings, encouraging contacts and that we can do more really painting what our country needs to come more in contact with the Lord and surrender really. And that the enemy does not keep us away from what the Lord want us to do.
I am too busy with people or things that has nothing to do with painting with the Lord.
I also had shoulder pain so I could not paint much.
BUT NOW: It is better with my shoulders, praise the Lord.
This oktober christian artists will meet and paint, sculpt and pray,walk in the woods,sing and dance for the Lord in the east of our country. In Bloemendaal.
Pray for fruitfull meetings, encouraging contacts and that we can do more really painting what our country needs to come more in contact with the Lord and surrender really. And that the enemy does not keep us away from what the Lord want us to do.
I am too busy with people or things that has nothing to do with painting with the Lord.
I also had shoulder pain so I could not paint much.
BUT NOW: It is better with my shoulders, praise the Lord.
First,my eyes were ill and than my shoulders, what was up?
I also was too tired to pray for people .
I also was too tired to pray for people .
I need money and a computer!
I need the FIRE again!!!
ANSWER: Thanks for praying because the weekend with the other Christian artists was great: We almost all painted from the holy spirit inspired. I sold a painting now for 500 euros

Tamara in Paris, France
My first vision: I would like to open a Gospel Cafe in Paris. Its Gods vision to me. I want an annointed place where people can come and feel Gods presence ALL WEEK!!! My second vision is to have Gods annointing and holy spirit to fully envelope me as I travel the world and sing people into peace, and healing with his voice.

i want to start a :non-profit" to paint murals in orphanages. I need $800 to make the 501c3 and then funding to go all over with a small group and do murals and whatever else God wants! i want all of the details to work out easliy ! Also, all of the funds and prorection for the Haiti mural trip! video camera.

M in DC
I hope and pray that I will find a secure art studio with a neighbor in Georgetown who
already has an entire townhouse devoted to paintings and their display. Would you
pray that the Lord would go before me and soften the owner's heart so the owner is
willing to accept me and my paintings as a tenant, etc. Also I need you to pray that
the Lord will open up the doors for me retrieve many of my paintings from my house
in which my mother lives in ny. I see my mother as
a captive that needs to be set free from ill health and emotional blindness.The house
and its contents are the subject of an intense emotional dispute and have been so
over the years due to the way my father left the deed to the house .
already has an entire townhouse devoted to paintings and their display. Would you
pray that the Lord would go before me and soften the owner's heart so the owner is
willing to accept me and my paintings as a tenant, etc. Also I need you to pray that
the Lord will open up the doors for me retrieve many of my paintings from my house
in which my mother lives in ny. I see my mother as
a captive that needs to be set free from ill health and emotional blindness.The house
and its contents are the subject of an intense emotional dispute and have been so
over the years due to the way my father left the deed to the house .

That he gets a CD made and distributed all over Canada and the English speaking world, and that it blesses many!
There's only one real distributor for Christian music in Canada and if they don't sign you on (as is the case with me) then it's EXTREMELY difficult to get your music in the Bible Bookstores across Canada and to get listened to at the Christian radio stations...the distributor has an effective monopoly!..so, please pray that there would not be a "strangling" of Christian music in Canada that does not please the pocketbook of the one real distributor in Canada!
This one distributor is tied to the "Christian" Nashville Music Corporations which gives the one Cdn. distributor all the more weight...the "Christian" labels in Nashville have, for the most part, been bought out by the secular labels and whereas it's claimed that the heads of the secular labels do not use their ownership over the "Christian" labels..it's hard to believe...I'm concerned for the content of "Christian" music within North America.
This one distributor is tied to the "Christian" Nashville Music Corporations which gives the one Cdn. distributor all the more weight...the "Christian" labels in Nashville have, for the most part, been bought out by the secular labels and whereas it's claimed that the heads of the secular labels do not use their ownership over the "Christian" labels..it's hard to believe...I'm concerned for the content of "Christian" music within North America.

Evie in DC- Please pray that the framing gets done easily and nicely and not too expensive.........it is a lot of work and money......... pray that some of the journalists (or other ones) i met last night at the National Press Club come to my show and report on it. Pray that a lot of the PR work gets done by the gallery owners.... I have to do a lot of preparatory stuff which interferes with painting I want an assistant.
i need a supernatural anointing and ability for talking about my work in a way that is interesting and accurate. Please pray that I represent myself as the Lord would have me to and not just pretend I am like the cool hip hard-edged -farthest thing from christian-artists around. Let me find a way to tell about the sweetness of our God without alienating myself tooo much.

Please pray that I make the April deadline to get my manuscript to the publishers. . This will be my first book published and I have writer's block. I have fifteen more reflections to write and they are coming so slowly. Then I have the daunting task of editing it to fit Chicago Manual Style Guidelines... and this is alittle scary to me! To top it off, I am grieving the loss of my best friend, who took her own life in September. She was my greatest encourager and a spiritual companion for the journey. I plan to dedicate the book to her.

Chris in Washington,DC I'd like to test the waters in the area of art-dealership. So here's what I need the Lord to "download" into me: a business plan, a strategy for hooking up with buyers and with artists, and a quality website. I'm also releasing the next book in my poetry series, this year. I need Holy Spirit - direction in this for design, publishing, advertising and prosperous sales.

Iris in Washington, DC
My arts related prayer request is for a job with a gallery. Great if it were permanent with the full ramge of benefits. Who knows perhaps there's something perfect at the NGA or Corcoran. If miracles happen then getting something in the next couple of weeks is entirely possible.
Believing in HIS power and provision.
My arts related prayer request is for a job with a gallery. Great if it were permanent with the full ramge of benefits. Who knows perhaps there's something perfect at the NGA or Corcoran. If miracles happen then getting something in the next couple of weeks is entirely possible.
Believing in HIS power and provision.

Dawn in Los Angeles
I was down with a cold over both Christmas and the New Year (bother!) , but it ended up being a huge musical creative gift. I finally finished the lyrics to 3 songs that have had the music done for about a year. One of them is very magical and romantic. AND God led me to a website for a movie that it would be perfect in!
I am very nervous to submit my song for consideration because I am not an award winning, published songwriter. But I feel really pushed by the Spirit to go ahead and submit it anyway.
I would appreciate (enormously!) if the Arts Release group could pray for this project/song.
That everything would align perfectly--the recording, the performance, the mixing, the submitting, the answer :)
I also ask for prayers for whatever needs to FINALLY get done on the practical side. Things like starting my website, getting music business cards, getting the head shots done, etc.
And that God would bless me with His connections in the music world with His most perfect timing.
Needless to say, I am finally ready to go for it! Once I get past the technical challenge of figuring out how to send you a music file...I will send you a couple songs for your blogsite/website
I am very nervous to submit my song for consideration because I am not an award winning, published songwriter. But I feel really pushed by the Spirit to go ahead and submit it anyway.
I would appreciate (enormously!) if the Arts Release group could pray for this project/song.
That everything would align perfectly--the recording, the performance, the mixing, the submitting, the answer :)
I also ask for prayers for whatever needs to FINALLY get done on the practical side. Things like starting my website, getting music business cards, getting the head shots done, etc.
And that God would bless me with His connections in the music world with His most perfect timing.
Needless to say, I am finally ready to go for it! Once I get past the technical challenge of figuring out how to send you a music file...I will send you a couple songs for your blogsite/website

A in Washington,DC
I need a professional video camera, preferably a Canon XL 2-Get work contracts at NPR and CNN. NPR as an Associate Producer and CNN as a researcher. -That he keep blessing my work at National G. and open new doors with higher pay and satisfaction (not necessarily more hours) -Clarity on my next documentary: I want to film one in Africa but I have not been able to focus my ideas. -Grants to cover for all of my expenses in Africa and DC -That he give me the self-discipline I need to start writing again -That he bless and anoint my lampshade designs. Also, at this point, to help me complete two lampshades a month. -A grant to attend & participate in Full Frame Film Festival in April

For Hung In Maryland: Hung(who is a classical piano genius ,needs a supernatural move of God in her life to open doors for mony and opportunities. I am in the process of preparing the coming recital, I should start to look for a job. I have a friend who sent out 26 letters and got all rejected. I heard you'll need people connections. In a few months, I'll have to apply for the OPT (Optional Practical Training) in order to be able to stay at this country for a little bit more than a year to look for job legally. Then, after I graduated, I won't be able to get in our practice room to use the piano any more. I'll need a piano, and I really perfer a grand piano (my favorite brand is the Steinway, which is very expensive) to practice and maybe teach some at home. My money can last about another half year, so...Thanks. So far when I prayed, I didn't feel the Lord wanted me to move back to Taiwan. If God wants me to stay, I believe He will open a way for me, even all the musician friends around me, basically the one who stay are because of marriage reason. It's almost impossible to find a full time University teaching job now. I am a foreigner, I can't apply to teach at the community college, and not only for the income, I really have to belong either a school, or an orginization of any kind. So I got plenty of oppertunities to let my faith grow, shaba!

Prayer from Crystal in Maryland,
My dream is to hit the big screen and the stage. My favorite channel is LIFETIME MOVIE NETWORK. My dream is to sign a contract with LIFETIME. Also, I would love to work with TYLER PERRY. I love the gospel plays he writes. I would also like to be in his movies. I know that I have what it takes because I'm not only EXTREMELY talented but, also very punctual and dependable. ACTING is my TRUE calling. Also, I've struggled with FOOD ADDICTION and OBESITY all of my life so I've made an appointment for the gastric bypass surgery.
My dream is to hit the big screen and the stage. My favorite channel is LIFETIME MOVIE NETWORK. My dream is to sign a contract with LIFETIME. Also, I would love to work with TYLER PERRY. I love the gospel plays he writes. I would also like to be in his movies. I know that I have what it takes because I'm not only EXTREMELY talented but, also very punctual and dependable. ACTING is my TRUE calling. Also, I've struggled with FOOD ADDICTION and OBESITY all of my life so I've made an appointment for the gastric bypass surgery.
David in NC:
i need prayer about getting my work out, about finding opportunities and places to share my drama and music especially on retreats like the night flight retreat. i struggle so much with marketing my stuff, despite the numerous accolades and high praise my work has recieved for me. for years my artistic abilities, especailly growing up we're just buried amidst indifference and harsh criticism in famly circles. a part of me is just so broken when it comes to sharing my creative talents and expereinces such anxiety in doing so. i am able to share, but it seems only to a limited degree. the creative process for me is so delicate, yet so explosive. my hope is that my deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist will draw me out and allow me to begin to cut loose more:)so, i certainly need prayer that the arts within me may be released to the fullest degree acording to our Heavenly Father's purpose.
i need prayer about getting my work out, about finding opportunities and places to share my drama and music especially on retreats like the night flight retreat. i struggle so much with marketing my stuff, despite the numerous accolades and high praise my work has recieved for me. for years my artistic abilities, especailly growing up we're just buried amidst indifference and harsh criticism in famly circles. a part of me is just so broken when it comes to sharing my creative talents and expereinces such anxiety in doing so. i am able to share, but it seems only to a limited degree. the creative process for me is so delicate, yet so explosive. my hope is that my deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist will draw me out and allow me to begin to cut loose more:)so, i certainly need prayer that the arts within me may be released to the fullest degree acording to our Heavenly Father's purpose.

by joe g., Washington,DC ....Constantino Brumidi, the Artist of the U.S. Capitol. Along with others, I got Congress to officially recognize the 200th anniversary of his birth, in the Rotunda, last year. He worked 25 years decorating and painting in the Capitol. Among other things he painted, single-handedly, The Apotheosis of Washington, in the dome. I would like to see the new Capitol Visitor Center, named after him. Imagine, what will be, the most visited building in WDC, named after an artist! Please pray for this!

David Michael -North Carolina the project is an evening of Eucharistic Reflection entitled 'Night Flight into His Blessed Arms.'
the premice of the evening is to use mood-setting drama and music to draw people into the sacred silence of Eucharistic Adoration. in addition i hope to encourage people to leave their troubles and worries behind them, so that they might fly into the arms of our Blessed Savior. the evening insupportable worship and praise music, an original sacred drama, a sacred meditation, brief testimony and scripture reading along with Adoration hymns, prayers and silent reflection. i've faciliated this evening of reflection a couple of times locally, but it's still in it's developmental phase. i need to grow it and fine tune it just a tad. there are other projects as well, but that's the main deal. Eucharistic Adoration has become a real passion for me and it's changed my life beyond description.
I pray that God blesses every aspect of this project. That God pours his beauty and holiness into every expression, that technically, everything goes perfectly. Lord, send abundant provision for this works completion. That is deeply infused with God's own Spirit, that people see it and are inspired and changed. I pray that many thosands of people are to be inspired, touched and changed by this work. I pray that it will be recored on tv and bring many into to communion with Jesus. Amen

Dear Friends,Hailing you from New York City! I still have some time left here and tonight I am joining a local arts ministry, called "Giving Hands". Dustee, the lady who leads it, has a beautiful vision to touch the down and out and her group has miraculously, as a Christian ministry, been allowed into a secular aids and drug recovery center, in the middle of Time's Square. Tonight I have been invited to teach art to her class composed of aids victims, drug addicts and the mentally ill, or, all of the above at once! I covet your prayers for wisdom and guidance, and the flow of the Holy Spirit to bring the freedom and joy of Christ into the session, as well as an ability on participants to focus well. It is certainly going to be different for me to teach a group like this in the U.S. - I've done this some overseas, but never here! Next Thursday, I will teach an art session with a new student group, started by a lovely young Japanese man, who is a new Christian (studying photography). He wants to reach international students at his university campus with the love of Christ. The art session is to help with creatively bonding the group. Please pray the Holy Spirit brings the right ones that day and that He can minister His joy and delight in them. Thank you for standing with me.Bless you, Paula - (She is an Art & mercy Missionary in Hawaii, before that South Africa)

Marianne L. Prayer I want to be the Grandma Moses of Rock and Roll. (I don’t want to have to wait until I’m 80 however!) I want it to be said of me, “She’s an extreme worshipper!” I want the sounds that open the heavens and move the very heart of God. When I’m / we’re worshipping I want His presence to be so tangible in the room that His will is accomplished in the people who are there… deliverance, salvation, healing, miracles, and even the raising of the dead. I want to be able to record that kind of powerful music. I want to be able to work only in music, no longer having to toil in another workplace away from my family. I need the open provision of heaven: time and money and creativity. I want to spread extreme worship across the globe. I want to raise up a tribe of extreme worshippers.
Pray for Karen in Georgia as she produces a video series on PRAYER ! As far as my video, I've been working on the scripts since November and I have 2 more to write. (there are 12 in all.) I plan to tape in July. I have a video expert working with me and I'll do the taping in my home because it's in keeping with the subject of personal prayer. I share a lot of personal stories that illustrate different ways of praying in personal prayer. My subjects include how to find prayer answers in the categories of action, word and presence, how prayer shapes the future, transrational praying which is using the parts of us that marvels at the sunset in prayer, crisis praying, how prayer creates joy, prayer and healing, how prayer changes attitudes, and how on-the-go praying can increase the time we have to spend in prayer.
I'm definitely trusting God for each step of the process, so I certainly could use your prayers! I've never done been in front of a camera before, so it will be an interesting experience. Please pray for the video taping process and also for the marketing process. I want to reach as many people as possible with this message. Why not pray big, so I'm praying to reach 3 million!
This wonerful project is completed an dpublished and being distributed!
I'm definitely trusting God for each step of the process, so I certainly could use your prayers! I've never done been in front of a camera before, so it will be an interesting experience. Please pray for the video taping process and also for the marketing process. I want to reach as many people as possible with this message. Why not pray big, so I'm praying to reach 3 million!
This wonerful project is completed an dpublished and being distributed!

HungLuo College Park,Md I need a concert hall for my doctoral piano recital. The hall is full this semester and I really need an available date. I need for my 3 teachers and choches to give me time and lessons. We need plenty of practice time. I need them to approve the one year extension for my Doctorate and funding for that. I also need more focus.
All of this was given and Hung had fabulous concerts and is now a Doctor of Music!!

Barbara Dancer Washington,DC...
That God would give me creative ideas for
new sources of income; more time to devote
to Ministry. Also, a studio for dance practice
and perhaps to work on designing and making
dance garments. Complete and sustaining health
for my body, especially my back and knees.
She has a large beautiful practice studio and has been selling banners and made many beautiful garments!!

Victor in Costa Rica, Worship Singer, Preacher
Cantar en muchas idiomas en muchas paises. Avamiento en mi corazon para poderlo hacer para la gloria de Dios.
Sing in many languages and countries. revival in my heart to be able to do that for the glory of God.
God has done a major retorative work of revival in Victor's heart and putting him in a position to be able to do all God has for him. He has started preaching again and may well be singing! He has been invited to a few countries!

From Lydia in Rotterdam, Netherlands
-to get more time to paint (difficult to find balance in reaching people and painting) and to paint only the things He wants me to. - that people can be reached in my next exhibit (the second of my life)
- and that my next commission I have got for the brand new prayer house Elim in Rotterdam will really be powerfull blessed by the Holy Spirit so people are touched by God through the picture when they come to pray for there problems.
-to get more time to paint (difficult to find balance in reaching people and painting) and to paint only the things He wants me to. - that people can be reached in my next exhibit (the second of my life)
- and that my next commission I have got for the brand new prayer house Elim in Rotterdam will really be powerfull blessed by the Holy Spirit so people are touched by God through the picture when they come to pray for there problems.
Lydias exhibit was great, she got to talk about Jesus to people off the street which is what excites her!! Still waiting to hear about the commission.

Ken Nagakui, Charlottesville,Va,Potter For myself, I wish to have fruits from what I am pouring effort into my pottery, so that the business really take off the ground and start to fly. Ken M. Nagakui
TgrnOrange@aol.com or Karematsu@aol.com Phone: 434/823-5170
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